Saturday, May 23, 2020

Day 6 - $1 30 Day Challenge

Day 6 started out great. I woke up at 7 no snooze needed. I was up. Usually I press snooze for an hour, so this is amazing. I had time to watch good mythical morning and eat breakfast leisurely.
 I made breakfast the night before. Scrambled eggs bell pepper, onion and ground turkey, topped with cheese and hot sauce. 
I was out the door by 8am. It has been so long since I have been to work at 8:30 my ideal arrival time. And I was on track. But I realized when I got to the red light before the interstate, I forgot my lunch. Thankfully I wasn't too far away, so I turned around to get it. I only arrived a few minutes after 8:30.

Yesterday I talked to my psychiatrist. She is holistic, which basically means she considers the mind, body, and spirit, and looks at other factors rather than just mental health but also physical health. She has been trying to get me to start a gluten free diet and exercise for months, so she was happy I was on this plan. 
Overall my mental health has been pretty stable lately, my only complaint has been my waking up late and migraine and vomiting side effects. But I have really noticed my waking up has been better since starting this diet. And my energy has been good too, which I will talk about more. 

It was a very busy day at work. BTW I am a Activites Manager at a nursing home. We were getting ready for family visit parade drive by. A way for families to see their residents safely from a distance, since we are isolatting during covid. 
After the morning meeting, my yard signs were ready for pick up from fedex, perfect timing. When I got back we put out the signs and pinwheels. After making a couple of signs for residents to hold, it was time for lunch. It was left over sausage and veggies. I ate quickly. It is so much easier to bring my lunch than drive to go. No more late lunch breaks (I only get 30min).

Now it was time for the parade. 2nd floor was up first. It was a big crowd. Everyone worked as a team to get the residents outside and navigate the cars. My boss said I did an excellent job.  The 3rd floor was next, which was a smaller group. But it was really moving to see a trach patient on oxygen out to visit his family. Last was the 4th floor, the largest crowd. The cars were lined up in the parking lot and down the street. There was one point where they were stuck. But we got it moving and Miranda and Janice did a great job of directing traffic. It was so fun. Some people decorated their cars, and brought dogs. 
I could have never done this event without the support of the other staff members. It was a big undertaking. It took a lot of planning, and a lot of just making it work at show time. Every step was truly a team effort to get it together. It was a special moment for a lot of family members who hadn't seen their family in months. 

I was standing on my feet all day, just going, going, going. So I was ready to go home and rest. I did rest some, but I knew I needed to cook dinner and exercise before sundown. I was so sticky and dirty from being outside all day. 

Dinner was Mexican pasta casserole. I got dinner together which required boiling water for pasta and saute peppers. Then add the turkey meat which I had already cooked, and simmer in taco seasoning. Then into the oven to bake with the sauce and cheese. 

While it baked I did my exercises which was a parymid of x dots, burpes, quick feet and mountain climbers. I did 10-8-6-2. It wasn't terrible; I have improved. I did use modifications. Some exercises were easier than others. Then I took my much needed shower. 

I ate dinner when I got out of the shower. I served it with salsa and Greek yogurt (instead of sour cream). The Greek yogurt was great, tastes just like sour cream. 
The pasta was made out of chickpeas. It wasn't terrible, but not great.  The noodles had a rough texture similar to wheat, but not like other gluten free pasta that is gummy. The meal over all was pretty good. It was very filling.

It was a very big accomplishment to get everything I did done. After a long day at work, I still managed to cook and exercise. Amazing. 

*Note I bought the wrong week meal plan so it may be different than the challenge. I think this meal plan is from the welcome package 

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