Sunday, May 17, 2020

Day 1 - $1 30 day challenge

Today I started day 1 of the 3 day detox in the 30 day challenge. I started the day of good. I woke up pretty early and drank the detox drink which has apple cider vinegar, lemon, green tea, and a little salt. It was bitter, but I got it down. I drank it cold. After that I got my smoothie ready. I am using a blender that the previous tenant left in the apartment. I was worried it wouldn't fare well with the greens and frozen veggies, but with a little stir it got it done pretty good. I also have an inexpensive small blender but I didn't think it would fit the 2cups of kale. Here is a picture of the smoothie: 

After breakfast I got dressed and took my before pictures. I wore a tight shirt and tight pants. Wow I have a lot of improvement. 

After awhile I did my baseline exercises. Which was push ups, squats, quick feet, and mountain climbers. Do each for 1 min and count how many you did. I was pretty winded after. It was harder than you would think. 

Lunch was a salad with spinach, broccoli, green bell pepper, and zucchini. With a homemade dressing. It was an avacado, cliantro, lime dressing. I know I bought a lime, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I even looked it my car. So that was really frustrating. I ended up borrowing one from my neighbor. It was probably the healthiest, most green meal I have ever eaten. It was a really large portion too. See below. 

I am prone to vommiting lately, so I went to take a nausea medicine. My doctor also recommend I take a probiotic. So I wanted to get back to taking them. I made the mistake of taking the probiotic before the nausea medicine kicked in. And it triggered me to throw up 🤮😩. I didn't give up though. After I felt better and ate some more and I was okay. There was still some left but I was pretty hungry after doing some errands, so I finished it later. 

The family was cutting down some trees in the backyard so I helped out. I got hungry again, probably because of the vommiting. So I ate some plain Greek yogurt with 1/2 tsp of honey, pinch of celyon cinnamon and a dash of vanilla extract. Plain greek yogurt with 1/2 tsp of raw honey is on the approved snack list. It was very good. Nice and creamy.

Before dinner on an empty stomach I drank the detox drink. I tried it warm this time. I drank it really slow. I'm not sure if I like it better hot or cold. 

Dinner was raw spiralized zucchini and carrot with sliced red pepper and chia seeds. With a homemade dressing that had avacado, ginger, and cayenne pepper and lemon.  The dressing was very tasty.  The spiralizer didn't work with the carrot which was frustrating. Next time I'll use a grater. Over all dinner was good. See below. 

I finished up the day by preparing the salad lunch for tommorow for work. Breakfast is a smoothie, so I'll just have to throw that together quick because I usually don't have much time. I can't really prep it. 

I am happy with how day 1 went. Excited for day 2, I hear the dinner is really good on day 2. 

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I did not know on Sunday that you had been throwing up. Hope this goes away soon.
