Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chocolate Greek Yogurt Pudding - Empowered 30 approved

I discovered something magical...

Chocolate (Greek yogurt) Pudding.

Since plain greek yogurt and honey are approved on the empowered snack list (other dairy or other sweetener is not approved) I thought wouldn't it be wonderful to make a chocolate pudding out of greek yogurt. This also works with chocolate protein powder for a meal replacement but this is more for a dessert. 

Based on this recipe: 

Modifications: sub teaspoon of honey, add pinch of salt and a dash of vanilla extract. If you are a spice girl you have the option of adding cinnamon or cayanne. I added chai spice because I have that on hand. 


Saturday, October 24, 2020

One Pot Yellow Rice with Chicken and Veggies

I was looking for a recipe for a one pot yellow rice with chicken and veggies using the packet but I couldn't find one online, so I thought I would publish the recipe after I made it successfully on my own. 

This recipe is really adaptable, so just use what vegetables you have on hand. 

  • 2 chicken breasts (you can make it with frozen like I did) 
  • 1 bell pepper diced
  • 1 onion diced (I was out of onion and it was fine without it because the rice has onion in it)
  • 2 carrots peeled and diced 
  • 1 ear Corn (I had an ear on hand that I cut off) 
  • Or you can use frozen or canned peas corn and carrots 
  • 1 packet of yellow rice and seasoning packet (2.5 serving size)
  • Water according to package directions
  • Oil 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat oil in pan on medium high heat sautee onion bell pepper and carrot until they have softened (carrots will soften more later) 
  2. Add chicken and season with salt and pepper and brown or if it is frozen cook until it is thawed through
  3. Add water according to rice package directions if you are using frozen or canned veggies you can add those now or add the fresh corn 
  4. Once the water has come to boil add the rice and cover and simmer on medium for 20 min 
  5. Towards the end of cooking shred the chicken with two forks, Stir. If there is extra water take the lid off and lower the heat to very low 
  6. Enjoy 

Monday, June 29, 2020

$1 30 day Challenge Conclusion (Week 4 Recipes)

Caprese Spaghetti Squash Boat 
(I added red bell pepper)
These were surprisingly really good. So simple but tasty, vegetarian too. Hubby approved. (This was actually from week 3 recipes)
No left overs so I had to order out for lunch the next day, chose a healthy option.

Spicy Salmon with Cauliflower Rice (I added red bell pepper)
Such a simple recipe just seasoned with paprika and garlic. I ate the left overs the next day with salad and a homemade dressing I had saved.

Chia pudding for breakfast
This turned out really good I added the frozen berries the night before with vanilla almond milk honey and chia seeds and nuts and gave it a shake. As the berries melted it created a flavorful sauce. Best chia pudding I've made yet.

Chicken Burrito Bowls 
Served with plain Greek yogurt and salsa, garnished with fresh jalapeno and cliantro

Spaghetti Squash Hashbrowns (from week 2)
Wanted to use up leftover spaghetti squash. Seasoned with larwys seasoning salt. It was very tasty. A little sweet I don't know if it was the seasoning or the squash. 

Vegetable Cauliflower Fried Rice
This was SOOO good. I even went to the trouble of getting the gluten free soy sauce alternative coconut album and seseme oil. This was delicious. I will definitely have to make this again. I was quite full with it too, even though it didn't have any meat. 

Bonus recipe: Strawberry Milkshake/Soft Serve 
Refrigerate a can of coconut milk. After it is cooled give it a shake. Blend half a can with frozen strawberries and a little honey. Just use a ratio enough so the blender doesn't get clogged. So delicious 😋

I didn't make the chicken avocado salad and sweet potato egg bowls. I think I made the berries and greens smoothie but I didn't take a picture. I remember it being too green. Maybe I didn't get the ratio right or didn't get it mixed up good enough. 

I think I'm going to wait to go grocery shopping and try and use up some stuff I have before I jump into returing to week 1 that I skipped. I still have some ingredients to make smoothies. And some chicken and eggs. As I have ended week 4 recipes I have been ordering out and eating bars for breakfast. It really is nice taking my lunch to work. It is also better on the wallet. I have been making healthy choices. I'll talk more about some of the things I have been eating off plan on my next post. 

At the end I have lost about 13 lbs and about 1.5 inches in each of my major areas. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week 4 (Week 3 meal plan) $1 30 day challenge

I did week 3 meal plan this week. Even though my count is on week 4. I will be doing week 4 recipes next week. So I will be going over the 30 days. I might even go another week after that and do week 1 meal plan that I skipped, because I did the welcome package meal plan first. Go to the bottom to see my results this far.

Monday (Day 24) I made turkey quinoa stuffed peppers. Sorry no picture.

Tuesday (Day 25) I made spaghetti squash pizza casserole. A recipe from a previous week. I made a larger portion. Chris ate half the pan.

Wednesday (Day 26) I made Balsamic Chicken and vegetables.

Thursday (Day 27) I made roasted vegetables and fish salad. It called for shrimp but I don't eat shrimp, so I used Pollock.

Friday (Day 28) morning I made the Banana Cinnamon Pancakes
I was surprised it was basically just banana and egg. It reminded me of French toast. 

For Friday Dinner I made Southwest Chicken and quinoa. I think it was supposed to be a sauce over quinoa, but I made it into a soup. I put the quinoa in uncooked doubled what it called for, and a whole carton of broth. It turned out like a chowder. It also had coconut milk milk in it that made it creamy.

I exercised Wednesday. It was really difficult. But I was proud I actually exercised. I did exercise 4 from week 2. Hip taps, wall situps, hip dips, Mason twists 20-15-10.

I have lost 10 pounds since I started the detox. And about one inch on each of my measurements.

Looking forward to loosing more as I move on to two more weeks. I need to get in the mind frame of being Determined2bdetermined in getting my exercises done. 

I was off from work Friday. I was really happy I was Finding Excitement in the Mundane and got some housework done. The shower and tub, sink and toilet are now white white after being dirty. I also did some laundry and put away clean clothes that was laying around. Washed the sheets. It was nice to take a shower in the clean bath and get into a clean made bed. It was a true prep day. Now to rest for Sabbath. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Week 3 -$1 30 day challenge

This post is technically week 3 for me but I am at the end of week 2 recipes and improvised before I got a chance to buy groceries for week 3. 

Wednesday (Day 19) chicken butternut squash chili. I made it on the stove top till the chicken shredded. (Pictured below top)
Thursday (Day 20) I made chicken curry with red peppers and tomatoes. I served mine with cauliflower rice and my husband's with regular rice. This meal was not on the menu I was just done with the recipes from week 2 besides the avacado chicken salad. I still had some chicken left though, so I used it to make the curry. (Pictured above bottom)

Friday (Day 21) I was off work and went to the doctor. I had to fast in the morning, but after I got a smoothie bowl.
I got the dragon bowl with chia seeds and almomds no chocolate syrup no granola. I also got freshly ground peanut butter from there too. For snacks later.

I stopped by the mall to get my ring cleaned but they were closed. I was temped by the food court and bought a squewier of Mediterranean chicken. I saved it for dinner.
I also bought some grab and go food from Newks. I got steak, homemade coleslaw, and their version of cowboy caviar. I couldn't resist their homemade pimento cheese, but mainly was for my husband. I did taste it though. I was really pleased with the grab and go from Newks. I don't think I got any pictures of dinner. 

Saturday (Day 22) I mostly ate leftovers. 

Sunday (Day 23) I worked Sunday and ate the rest of the curry chicken for lunch. We were waiting for money to come in to buy groceries, so we ordered to go food for dinner. I got brisket enchiladas with black beans, it also came with a salad but I didn't eat it. It did have cheese which was not approved. But I did do gluten free. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Day 18 - $1 30 day challenge

Tuesday - Back on Track
Breakfast I went through the Planet Smoothie Drive through. I chose from their lite menu and added pea protein to a medium smoothie. It kept me full.
Lunch I had leftover rositerie chicken and garlic broccoli. 
On the drive home from work I was mentally preparing for the work I had to do to get dinner ready, because I really wanted to eat on plan. I also was mentally preparing for laundry. I got the dinner ready first, because I was pretty hungry. It was Turkey Kale Sweet Potato Skillet. I used spinach instead of kale. I was surprised how quickly the sweet potatoes cooked on the stove. 

After dinner I did my exercises, YAY! It had been so long since I did the exercises. So I am really proud of myself for getting dinner and exercise both done. Back on track!
Exercise was squat jumps, crisscross abs, skiers, and tricep dips. I did 25-15-10. 
I had a little indigestion from exercing right after I ate, but I didn't throw up. 

I am really happy about getting back on track. So far I have lost about 9 pounds. I've gotta keep going!

Day 17 - $1 30 day challenge

Monday - Discuss Eating Restaurant Food
Still didn't get the Crock-Pot going, so I still haven't had the chicken dishes ready. So I had to improvise for breakfast and lunch.  
For breakfast I had banana and apple.
Lunch I had a leftover steak. It wasn't seasoned or anything, so I added salt pepper and ketchup. It was pretty though, but the ketchup helped. 
I was pretty hungry when I got home and it was too difficult to get the dishes ready. So we ordered Togo from the rotisserie chicken restaurant. For the sides I got garlic broccoli and quinoa veggie salad. I also tried some of their sauce, but just a little. The garlic broccoli was really good. The quinoa salad wasn't my favorite. I would have liked a warm quinoa side dish better. 
I thought I made a really good choice about my to go food. I kept it gluten free, green vegetables and not fried, lean meat. 
Sometimes you will have to eat from a restaurant and it is important to still eat healthy. I think I made a good choice in my food. 

Day 15 & 16 - $1 30 day

Saturday and Sunday
Saturday I ate a homemade smoothie and for lunch was bean salad from Trader Joes And various approved snacks.
I had some of the leftover tortilla soup when my husband got home.

Sunday I had some fruit for breakfast. It was Shavout - Feast of Weeks, so we cooked out. I had a steak with some A1 sauce. Some corn and sweet potato but they weren't really good so I didn't eat much. We also had watermelon and cantelope. I refrained from eating the two loafs of bread I bought for the feast. 

I did not workout these days. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Day 14 - $1 30 day challenge - Reflections

Breakfast I had a Greek yogurt and fruit bowl on the go. 
Lunch I had the leftover chicken tortilla less soup. 

The Crock-Pot recipes kind of threw me for a loop in this week's menu. I really had a block when it came to doing those recipes. I still managed to do some recipes. Maybe I will get the Crock-Pot going Sunday and I can finish those recipes. In the Facebook group I heard the avacado chicken salad was really good. 

Today after work I didn't know what I would do for dinner. I went to the grocery store to get some things for shavout - feast of weeks. We decided we would cook out, so I got some steaks and vegetables. 

Since I had those edamame yesterday I was thinking about sushi. And we often have sushi of Friday night. I decided to get a sushi burrito. I thought it would be okay if I made it with brown rice, which they had. And I tried to pick a sauce that didn't have sugar. I got it with tuna, carrot, cucumber, and avacado, with ginger dressing. It was good but not amazing. A little underwhelming. And I still felt a little hungry. 

I went to another grocery store, because I felt like I needed something more stuff that I didn't get it at the last store. I bought some more fruit and Greek yogurt. And looked at their heat up meals. I decided on an Indian chickpea dish. When I got home to make it though, I realized it had mango powder in it and I am allergic to mango. Even though it smelled really good I didn't want to risk it. So I ate hummus with baby bell peppers instead. 

While I was shopping at the grocery store I was reflecting on this lifestyle change. As I went through the isles and didn't buy candy or other unhealthy things, I was proud. I have stopped drinking sugary drinks and stopped eating candy and stopped eating gluten. That is a big deal. 

Although I wasn't in the mind set to work out today I was happy with the diet changes I have made and that is a big accomplishment in itself. 

Day 13 - $1 30 day challenge

Breakfast was fruit, I didn't have anything prepared in advance. I could have had the spaghetti squash hashbrowns but I didn't have time to cook it. And I got hungry pretty early because I only had fruit. 

Lunch was left over spaghetti squash casserole. It was really good. 
On my way home from work I was craving edamame. So I got some. I thought it would be okay, it's healthy. 
Dinner I made chicken tortilla-less soup. It called for crock pot, but I don't have time for that. So I just threw everything in a pot and cooked it till the chicken shredded. 
It was really good. 

I was eating a mandrin and thought it would taste great with the Greek yogurt. So good like cream cicle. Next time I want to try it frozen so it will be even more like cream cicle. 

I made a strawberry and chocolate protein shake. I don't know why I kept snacking all night. But at least it's not snacking on candy.

No I didn't exercise today... More reflections on how I am processing that and the adjustment to the diet in the next post. 

Day 11 - $1 30 day challenge

(Wednesday) I wanted to get in the mind frame that I was going to cook and exercise today because I didn't the day before. I got my dinner ready. Spaghetti squash pizza casserole. I cooked half a spaghetti squash in the microwave for 15 min and then put together with the casserole ingredients into the oven. 

While it was baking I did my exercises. I did day 9 exercises because I was behind. It was drop squats, side to side pushups, plank tuck jumps, and high knee runs; you were to do them for 20/25-15-10 and go back up. I only did 20-15-10. I haven't gotten to the place where I can push myself hard core. It's enough just to get it done. I felt good that I had cooked and done my exercises today though. It ready does take some mental preparation. You have to think ok I'm going to get home and get dinner ready and exercise.
Surprisingly I didn't miss the cheese in this dish like I thought I would. I thought how can it be called pizza without cheese. But the eggs in it added a creaminess. 

Breakfast was chia pudding made with almond milk and blueberries. I enjoyed eating this. Next time I think I will add less almond milk. 

Lunch I had leftover sweet potato quinoa bake. I couldn't get much of it down. Later in the day I snacked on bean chips, which are gluten free and high protein from the vending machine. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Day 10 - $1 30 day challenge

(Tuesday) I woke up really late. My clothes didn't get fully dried. For breakfast I was supposed to have the left over vegetables with an egg. I didn't have much time so I just cracked two eggs on to of the vegetables and threw it in the microwave. It was actually really good. I had to cook it a little longer at work. But I ate it at my desk. 

It was really filling and I ate late, so I wasn't very hungry for lunch. Lunch was leftover salmon and a cliantro lime dressing salad with tomatoes and avacado. 

When I got home I ate some berries and Greek yogurt. It was soo good. 
After relaxing, I realized I had a head ache. It was getting late and I still hadn't exercised or cooked dinner. I wasn't feeling too hungry anyways. With my head ache I didn't feel like exercising. I decided to eat hummus with baby bell peppers and unsweetened peanut butter with apple slices. I got chia pudding ready for breakfast. 

Goals for tomorrow, plan a time to exercise and cook dinner. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day 9 - $1 30 day challenge

 Monday (day 9) was Memorial Day.   I took the day off and went up to my friends house for a birthday gathering. For breakfast I had the chocolate covered strawberries protein smoothie. I didn't have any ripe or frozen bananas though. 

For lunch I took my leftover sweet potato quinoa bowl. I was good to bring my own food. Even though my friends are super healthy. They ate vegan einkorn flour pizzas.  They had a bunch of different vegetables on it. For dessert they had einkorn flour pumpkin muffins. And because they were sweetened with only some honey and the eikorn supposedly doesn't act like gluten I ate one. 
Then we played games. Before lunch they showed me their sewing studio and garden. It was really good seeing them, it has been a while. 

I started getting a headache towards the end of my visit. I took a ubrevly. I usually get head aches when I am on my period, which I was. It was still hurting me as I was on the road so I stopped to get something to drink and take some ibuprofen.
I found this neat unsweetened tea. 
 I tried eating some nuts, but stopped because I was getting nausea. I took a nausea medicine, and thankfully I didn't throw up while I was driving. I think the combo ubrevly and ibuprofen worked because by time I was home the headache was better. 

I had a video chat with my extended family and then got dinner ready. Week 2 starts out with crock pot recipes, and I didn't have time for that, so I made the salmon dish that was scheduled for the end of the week.  It was baked salmon and roasted vegetables seasoned with paprika and garlic. 
I was surprised how much flavor was in it with only paprika and garlic and salt and pepper. It was really good. 

I saved one serving for breakfast and lunch the next day. 
It was so late when we had dinner I didn't feel like exercising. I should have done it before I left for the day. I just need to plan better next time. Gotta fit the exercise into my schedule. 

Day 8 - $1 $30 challenge

Saturday night (day 7) I made poached eggs for dinner because I didn't feel like eating the left over Mexican pasta and I didn't have the ingredients for the meal that was scheduled. The poached eggs were really good though. I cooked them perfect.  I seasoned them generously with salt pepper and paprika. 

Day 8 Sunday I ordered my week 2 groceries on insta cart from Aldi. While I was waiting on those to be delivered I did my exercises. It was abs parymid. I did really well. I did the whole parymid not just the evens. And only one modification. 

Then I went to get a couple of things they didn't have at Aldi and look for protein powder. I didn't like the ones they had a Walmart market. They all had artificial sweeteners and added vitamins. I didn't want anything extra. GNC was closed, so I went to Sprouts. And they had a really good selection. I found one for only $18 for a smaller container (I didn't want a big one) and it was sweetened with stevia and no added vitamins. They also had another brand that was another good option. 

Dinner was a quinoa baked in the oven with sweet potatoes, ground turkey, black beans with mexican type spices. It was really good. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Day 7 - $1 30 Day Challenge - Snacks

Today I'm going to talk about snacks. There is an approved food list that gives you some ideas for snacks. Things I have been snacking on:
  • Greek yogurt fixed with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey, or with cinnamon and vainalla extract (pictured 1st below).  This is Soo good both ways. It is like a treat. 
  • Nuts such as raw unsalted almomds, walnuts and pecans. My favorite is pecan. 
  • Hummus with vegetables for dipping (Pictured middle). I love hummus. I'm used to eating it with a bread product so it is an adjustment to eat it with vegetables. I've tried it with raw zucchini, raw carrots, celery, and bell pepper, and grape tomatoes. I think I like the bell pepper and tomatoes the best. 
  • Fresh fruit such as berries, apple, banana or orange 
  • Unsweetened peanut butter try it with apples or celery. I think apples are best. Check out this brand I found at Kroger. No added ingredients. And it doesn't need to be stored in fridge (picture bottom below)

*BONUS SNACKS I discovered later in the challenge, links to those posts below* 

Today was the Sabbath, a day of rest, so I won't be doing the workouts today. I heard there is a break in exercises on day 8 so I'll catch up on that day. 

Dinner is sweet potato, black bean and turkey bake. The store was out of sweet potatoes, so I'll have to see if I can go to the store to make it, but I can't go to the store til sundown, so I might just eat another leftover Mexican casserole for dinner today instead tomorrow when it islis scheduled for lunch.  

Day 6 - $1 30 Day Challenge

Day 6 started out great. I woke up at 7 no snooze needed. I was up. Usually I press snooze for an hour, so this is amazing. I had time to watch good mythical morning and eat breakfast leisurely.
 I made breakfast the night before. Scrambled eggs bell pepper, onion and ground turkey, topped with cheese and hot sauce. 
I was out the door by 8am. It has been so long since I have been to work at 8:30 my ideal arrival time. And I was on track. But I realized when I got to the red light before the interstate, I forgot my lunch. Thankfully I wasn't too far away, so I turned around to get it. I only arrived a few minutes after 8:30.

Yesterday I talked to my psychiatrist. She is holistic, which basically means she considers the mind, body, and spirit, and looks at other factors rather than just mental health but also physical health. She has been trying to get me to start a gluten free diet and exercise for months, so she was happy I was on this plan. 
Overall my mental health has been pretty stable lately, my only complaint has been my waking up late and migraine and vomiting side effects. But I have really noticed my waking up has been better since starting this diet. And my energy has been good too, which I will talk about more. 

It was a very busy day at work. BTW I am a Activites Manager at a nursing home. We were getting ready for family visit parade drive by. A way for families to see their residents safely from a distance, since we are isolatting during covid. 
After the morning meeting, my yard signs were ready for pick up from fedex, perfect timing. When I got back we put out the signs and pinwheels. After making a couple of signs for residents to hold, it was time for lunch. It was left over sausage and veggies. I ate quickly. It is so much easier to bring my lunch than drive to go. No more late lunch breaks (I only get 30min).

Now it was time for the parade. 2nd floor was up first. It was a big crowd. Everyone worked as a team to get the residents outside and navigate the cars. My boss said I did an excellent job.  The 3rd floor was next, which was a smaller group. But it was really moving to see a trach patient on oxygen out to visit his family. Last was the 4th floor, the largest crowd. The cars were lined up in the parking lot and down the street. There was one point where they were stuck. But we got it moving and Miranda and Janice did a great job of directing traffic. It was so fun. Some people decorated their cars, and brought dogs. 
I could have never done this event without the support of the other staff members. It was a big undertaking. It took a lot of planning, and a lot of just making it work at show time. Every step was truly a team effort to get it together. It was a special moment for a lot of family members who hadn't seen their family in months. 

I was standing on my feet all day, just going, going, going. So I was ready to go home and rest. I did rest some, but I knew I needed to cook dinner and exercise before sundown. I was so sticky and dirty from being outside all day. 

Dinner was Mexican pasta casserole. I got dinner together which required boiling water for pasta and saute peppers. Then add the turkey meat which I had already cooked, and simmer in taco seasoning. Then into the oven to bake with the sauce and cheese. 

While it baked I did my exercises which was a parymid of x dots, burpes, quick feet and mountain climbers. I did 10-8-6-2. It wasn't terrible; I have improved. I did use modifications. Some exercises were easier than others. Then I took my much needed shower. 

I ate dinner when I got out of the shower. I served it with salsa and Greek yogurt (instead of sour cream). The Greek yogurt was great, tastes just like sour cream. 
The pasta was made out of chickpeas. It wasn't terrible, but not great.  The noodles had a rough texture similar to wheat, but not like other gluten free pasta that is gummy. The meal over all was pretty good. It was very filling.

It was a very big accomplishment to get everything I did done. After a long day at work, I still managed to cook and exercise. Amazing. 

*Note I bought the wrong week meal plan so it may be different than the challenge. I think this meal plan is from the welcome package 

Day 5 - $1 30 day challenge

Day 5 was the same meals as day 4. Chocolate protein pancakes, tuna salad, and roasted vegetables with chicken sausage. It was pretty easy as far as the meals, I didn't have to really cook. I did cook for the following breakfast. 
I am still drinking the detox drink every morning.  Here is a picture of it. I dont think I posted a picture of it yet. It has lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, sea salt and green tea. 

Lunch was a little bit hard to eat. It was the tuna salad with Greek yogurt and lemon and olive oil. I think I added too much lemon and Greek yogurt. 

Day 5 workout went much better. It was a pyramid of: walking plank, squat squat jump, bomber pushups, and toe touch sit ups. I did 10-8-6-2 with a couple modifications. I completed them fully, which was better than yesterday. The squat squat jumps were the easiest. I wore my new leggings. I really liked them, very comfortable. 

I've been doing pretty good drinking enough water. I'm supposed to drink have my body weight in ounces. I have also been drinking hint flavored water and unsweetened flavored tea. I am used to drinking sugary soda and sweet tea, so these alternatives have been helping me enjoy what I drink without the sugar. 

This brand is really good Tejava, makes you not miss the sugar. 

Hint flavored water is really good. The fruit flavor makes it seem sweet even though there is no sweeteners. 

Unsweetened matcha green tea found by the sushi. 

Jasmine green tea is so flavorful, you don't miss the sugar. Tastes floral. 

At the end of the day I prepared my breakfast for the next few days. Ground turkey, bell pepper and onion, and eggs.

*Had some technical difficulty posting this one so it's late...pictures wouldn't load as well. 
* I bought the wrong week meal plan, so it is different than the 30 day challenge. I think this week was from the empowered welcome pack

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Day 4 - $1 30 day challenge

First day off detox first day exercising.

Today started out good. I woke up early like 7am I had time to take a shower and leisurely eat breakfast. Breakfast was banana chocolate protein pancakes. It did cause me to throw up. Maybe because it was expired protein powder. It tasted good though. I topped it with melted dark chocolate chips. I eat it again tomorrow, so hopefully I don't have the same reaction. 

Lunch was tuna salad which I ate with walnuts. I wasn't that hungry, breakfast filled me up. But it was okay because a serving was half of what was made. I think I added too much lemon or Greek yogurt. It was a little runny. I also eat that again tomorrow for lunch. 

Work was pretty busy. When I got home I visited with my husband. It was nice that he was home when I got there.

I decided to do my exercises before dinner. It was the first day of exercises. I wasn't sure how I would do. It was a pyramid of exercises. So you do each 10 times then each 9 -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The exercises were Jack push up, legs in back out, prayer cross, and ball ups. 

They were really hard. I had to do them with modifications and I only made it to 7. I was struggling. I am happy that I did them though. 

I realized when I was getting ready for dinner that I shopped for the wrong week.  I think I shopped for the welcome package meal plan. Oh well. I'm just going to continue on this plan and maybe do week 1 last or next I'm not sure. 

Dinner was sheet pan roasted vegetables with chicken sausage served with cauliflower rice. I borrowed my moms oven because I only have a toaster oven. Pictured before baking.
 I wasn't sure which chicken sausage to get most of them had added cheese or apples. I got this one because it didn't have a munch of added chemicals.
I'm not sure about this shelf cauliflower. I might try frozen next time. I just have a small freezer. It was better when I added salt and olive oil and garlic. 

Dinner was good, a lot of different textures. I actually made something similar prior to diet. 

Prior to going to bed I threw away a bunch of trash around the house. Its nice to have the energy to do house work. I hope this continues and I make a habit of doing housework more frequently.