Monday, May 11, 2015


I am being habitual!

This is a really exciting victory!

I am actually waking up early in the morning, making my bed, taking my medicine, having quiet time, eating breakfast taking care of hygiene, and getting dressed for the day.

That might sound like nothing to some of you, but for others that is a big deal. For me it is a big deal. When I get depressed I neglect simple things such as I listed above.

I just came out of the hospital a week ago. I checked myself in, but I was still a 1013 (involuntary). I will tell you more about the process of how that went down in a video later. I knew I needed help. I am glad I went. I needed that reset button. There is something monumental about being in an environment where there is staff looking out for your holistic health 24/7. Keeping you on a regimented schedule, food, meds, hygiene, are all on a strict schedule. The schedule is really close to the natural circadian rhythms (the sun rise and sets). As I have come back to my home I have tried to keep close to that, waking up really early and going to bed really early. It has been going quite well. I think if I make it a general rule to make it back to my apartment by sundown I will be good, unless I am planning on doing a fun activity at night in which case I will stay out late.

I think there always needs to be room for exceptions.

When I set out to make lofty goals such as being in my apartment before sundown it can end up being a burden and when something that is designed to be healthy for you begins to be a burden for you it should be changed, and it will naturally change because our bodies and psyches don't like it. That is why most diets don't work. The same goes with religion, Torah commands should not be a burden because they are good for you.

EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, even healthy things.

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