Monday, June 29, 2020

$1 30 day Challenge Conclusion (Week 4 Recipes)

Caprese Spaghetti Squash Boat 
(I added red bell pepper)
These were surprisingly really good. So simple but tasty, vegetarian too. Hubby approved. (This was actually from week 3 recipes)
No left overs so I had to order out for lunch the next day, chose a healthy option.

Spicy Salmon with Cauliflower Rice (I added red bell pepper)
Such a simple recipe just seasoned with paprika and garlic. I ate the left overs the next day with salad and a homemade dressing I had saved.

Chia pudding for breakfast
This turned out really good I added the frozen berries the night before with vanilla almond milk honey and chia seeds and nuts and gave it a shake. As the berries melted it created a flavorful sauce. Best chia pudding I've made yet.

Chicken Burrito Bowls 
Served with plain Greek yogurt and salsa, garnished with fresh jalapeno and cliantro

Spaghetti Squash Hashbrowns (from week 2)
Wanted to use up leftover spaghetti squash. Seasoned with larwys seasoning salt. It was very tasty. A little sweet I don't know if it was the seasoning or the squash. 

Vegetable Cauliflower Fried Rice
This was SOOO good. I even went to the trouble of getting the gluten free soy sauce alternative coconut album and seseme oil. This was delicious. I will definitely have to make this again. I was quite full with it too, even though it didn't have any meat. 

Bonus recipe: Strawberry Milkshake/Soft Serve 
Refrigerate a can of coconut milk. After it is cooled give it a shake. Blend half a can with frozen strawberries and a little honey. Just use a ratio enough so the blender doesn't get clogged. So delicious 😋

I didn't make the chicken avocado salad and sweet potato egg bowls. I think I made the berries and greens smoothie but I didn't take a picture. I remember it being too green. Maybe I didn't get the ratio right or didn't get it mixed up good enough. 

I think I'm going to wait to go grocery shopping and try and use up some stuff I have before I jump into returing to week 1 that I skipped. I still have some ingredients to make smoothies. And some chicken and eggs. As I have ended week 4 recipes I have been ordering out and eating bars for breakfast. It really is nice taking my lunch to work. It is also better on the wallet. I have been making healthy choices. I'll talk more about some of the things I have been eating off plan on my next post. 

At the end I have lost about 13 lbs and about 1.5 inches in each of my major areas. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week 4 (Week 3 meal plan) $1 30 day challenge

I did week 3 meal plan this week. Even though my count is on week 4. I will be doing week 4 recipes next week. So I will be going over the 30 days. I might even go another week after that and do week 1 meal plan that I skipped, because I did the welcome package meal plan first. Go to the bottom to see my results this far.

Monday (Day 24) I made turkey quinoa stuffed peppers. Sorry no picture.

Tuesday (Day 25) I made spaghetti squash pizza casserole. A recipe from a previous week. I made a larger portion. Chris ate half the pan.

Wednesday (Day 26) I made Balsamic Chicken and vegetables.

Thursday (Day 27) I made roasted vegetables and fish salad. It called for shrimp but I don't eat shrimp, so I used Pollock.

Friday (Day 28) morning I made the Banana Cinnamon Pancakes
I was surprised it was basically just banana and egg. It reminded me of French toast. 

For Friday Dinner I made Southwest Chicken and quinoa. I think it was supposed to be a sauce over quinoa, but I made it into a soup. I put the quinoa in uncooked doubled what it called for, and a whole carton of broth. It turned out like a chowder. It also had coconut milk milk in it that made it creamy.

I exercised Wednesday. It was really difficult. But I was proud I actually exercised. I did exercise 4 from week 2. Hip taps, wall situps, hip dips, Mason twists 20-15-10.

I have lost 10 pounds since I started the detox. And about one inch on each of my measurements.

Looking forward to loosing more as I move on to two more weeks. I need to get in the mind frame of being Determined2bdetermined in getting my exercises done. 

I was off from work Friday. I was really happy I was Finding Excitement in the Mundane and got some housework done. The shower and tub, sink and toilet are now white white after being dirty. I also did some laundry and put away clean clothes that was laying around. Washed the sheets. It was nice to take a shower in the clean bath and get into a clean made bed. It was a true prep day. Now to rest for Sabbath. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Week 3 -$1 30 day challenge

This post is technically week 3 for me but I am at the end of week 2 recipes and improvised before I got a chance to buy groceries for week 3. 

Wednesday (Day 19) chicken butternut squash chili. I made it on the stove top till the chicken shredded. (Pictured below top)
Thursday (Day 20) I made chicken curry with red peppers and tomatoes. I served mine with cauliflower rice and my husband's with regular rice. This meal was not on the menu I was just done with the recipes from week 2 besides the avacado chicken salad. I still had some chicken left though, so I used it to make the curry. (Pictured above bottom)

Friday (Day 21) I was off work and went to the doctor. I had to fast in the morning, but after I got a smoothie bowl.
I got the dragon bowl with chia seeds and almomds no chocolate syrup no granola. I also got freshly ground peanut butter from there too. For snacks later.

I stopped by the mall to get my ring cleaned but they were closed. I was temped by the food court and bought a squewier of Mediterranean chicken. I saved it for dinner.
I also bought some grab and go food from Newks. I got steak, homemade coleslaw, and their version of cowboy caviar. I couldn't resist their homemade pimento cheese, but mainly was for my husband. I did taste it though. I was really pleased with the grab and go from Newks. I don't think I got any pictures of dinner. 

Saturday (Day 22) I mostly ate leftovers. 

Sunday (Day 23) I worked Sunday and ate the rest of the curry chicken for lunch. We were waiting for money to come in to buy groceries, so we ordered to go food for dinner. I got brisket enchiladas with black beans, it also came with a salad but I didn't eat it. It did have cheese which was not approved. But I did do gluten free. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Day 18 - $1 30 day challenge

Tuesday - Back on Track
Breakfast I went through the Planet Smoothie Drive through. I chose from their lite menu and added pea protein to a medium smoothie. It kept me full.
Lunch I had leftover rositerie chicken and garlic broccoli. 
On the drive home from work I was mentally preparing for the work I had to do to get dinner ready, because I really wanted to eat on plan. I also was mentally preparing for laundry. I got the dinner ready first, because I was pretty hungry. It was Turkey Kale Sweet Potato Skillet. I used spinach instead of kale. I was surprised how quickly the sweet potatoes cooked on the stove. 

After dinner I did my exercises, YAY! It had been so long since I did the exercises. So I am really proud of myself for getting dinner and exercise both done. Back on track!
Exercise was squat jumps, crisscross abs, skiers, and tricep dips. I did 25-15-10. 
I had a little indigestion from exercing right after I ate, but I didn't throw up. 

I am really happy about getting back on track. So far I have lost about 9 pounds. I've gotta keep going!

Day 17 - $1 30 day challenge

Monday - Discuss Eating Restaurant Food
Still didn't get the Crock-Pot going, so I still haven't had the chicken dishes ready. So I had to improvise for breakfast and lunch.  
For breakfast I had banana and apple.
Lunch I had a leftover steak. It wasn't seasoned or anything, so I added salt pepper and ketchup. It was pretty though, but the ketchup helped. 
I was pretty hungry when I got home and it was too difficult to get the dishes ready. So we ordered Togo from the rotisserie chicken restaurant. For the sides I got garlic broccoli and quinoa veggie salad. I also tried some of their sauce, but just a little. The garlic broccoli was really good. The quinoa salad wasn't my favorite. I would have liked a warm quinoa side dish better. 
I thought I made a really good choice about my to go food. I kept it gluten free, green vegetables and not fried, lean meat. 
Sometimes you will have to eat from a restaurant and it is important to still eat healthy. I think I made a good choice in my food. 

Day 15 & 16 - $1 30 day

Saturday and Sunday
Saturday I ate a homemade smoothie and for lunch was bean salad from Trader Joes And various approved snacks.
I had some of the leftover tortilla soup when my husband got home.

Sunday I had some fruit for breakfast. It was Shavout - Feast of Weeks, so we cooked out. I had a steak with some A1 sauce. Some corn and sweet potato but they weren't really good so I didn't eat much. We also had watermelon and cantelope. I refrained from eating the two loafs of bread I bought for the feast. 

I did not workout these days.