Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Tuesday 2nd Day in a Row

Okay so turns out my title is a pun. It's 2nd day consecutive and second day rowing machine. 

I made it to the gym and did HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 
5min warm up 20 s/m
8 sets 45sec on 45 sec off  (11:15)
5min cool down 20 s/m
Total 21 min

July progress on Healthy lifestyle incentive, click to enlarge 

I have done 4 workouts in July with 2x 2 days in a row. My goal is to get 4 days in a row at the Gym this week. 

It seems my main obstacle to going to the gym is having my gym bag packed. And since I have been getting in the routine of before bed packing my bag and picking out my clothes for the next day it has been going well. It seemed like such an obstacle over the past few months since I joined the gym, but this is really helping me focusing on my bed time routine. 

I am tracking my habits in the app Habitnow Android App. It has been helpful. I have some habits that are yes/no, and others that require a amount like hour and minutes (time).
Habits I'm tracking: 
  • Take meds at 9pm (yes/no)
  • Go to bed at 10pm (yes/no)
  • In bed time (time value)
  • Clock in by 8am (yes/no) and time value
  • Exercise (yes/no)
  • Shiny sink b4 bed (yes/no)
So far I have gotten two days in a row clocking in by 8am and going to the gym (exercise).

I am also using the app My Therapy Pill Reminder (Android app) In this app I put in all my meds including my prn, with the time I'm supposed to take them, and set up a custom reminder. So I get a gentile tone alarm to remind me to take them at a certain time. If you don't log it, it will continue you remind you after awhile. It also allows you to imput the time when you take them which turns off the alarm. So if you alarm is at 8:30 to take it at 9, but you don't take it til 9:10 you can put that in. It also tracks prn meds. So I can keep track of the times I had to take a sleeping pill. 

I'm excited for the next day! Let's keep this streak going. Got my gym bag packed ✔️

Until next time, Keep being determined 2b determined to find excitement in the mundane!

1 comment:

  1. Great plan! If u mess up just start over. No fret.
