Saturday, November 21, 2015

up and down

I have gone through a lot lately. I was almost arrested twice in one day. I was instead sent to a crisis stabilization unit. Apparently I was not well. They changed my medications around. I feel good about this new combination. My psychiatrist says to try it out for a month and then he will see if any changes are needed. So on top of all that mess I lost my job and wrecked my car. It seems as if the enemy is out to get me. I have to stay positive though. I am facing the decision if I need to move in with my parents back in Marietta, 4 hours away from my grad school. Moving away makes me feel like I am giving up on grad school. But it is evident that I have a problem, because I have been hospitalized each semester in grad school. And since I don't have a job, paying for rent and car seem unmanageable.  I have been seeing a social worker and a counselor/play therapist to manage my illness this semester. I finally feel a break through. Before I didn't know what to do with a counselor. As I have continued to go I am seeing the outcome; it is encouraging. Before I didn't have a clue how to cope with depression. I am learning and practicing more self control. I believe self control is the key to a healthy sustained recovery. If I can practice self control to avoid talking to people who don't want to talk to me and not pushing my beliefs on others and not flirting with every man that walks by I will be solid. I feel this self control already happening. I believe that medication gives me the freedom to allow myself to rely on self control more than medicating.

Check out my vlogs for more information about my experience with bipolar disorder. My most recent one talks about healing.

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