Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Not prepared

Monday, back to work. I spend the day a home I nanny at. Lately there hasn't been much good to eat there, except sweets and junk food. I had a little bit more time this morning so I was able to grab a chick-fla chicken biscuit. As I was eating it I was realizing how greasy it was. I really need to be more restrictive. Of course sometimes its convenience. I need to get back to what I was doing before. Always having something on hand to prevent me from eating something unhealthy. For a quick breakfast I had nutrition shakes to take on the road. They have a lot of sugar, but I figure they are still better for me. I know they have more nutrition - vitamins and minerals. I was thirsty. I used to be content with water, but lately I want something flavored. I really should have bought the orange juice at chick-fla, because now I wanted the unhealthy Fanta. I side stepped the Fanta and went for the more healthy option of chocolate milk, but it didn't satisfy. It wasn't wet enough. So later I ended up drinking the Fanta too. For lunch I made pasta, but it was terrible. I would have eaten it, but I figured why waste the calories. Since I was so unsatisfied with lunch I ate a chocolate chip cookie. I also had eaten some watermelon as a snack. The watermelon was nice and juicy. I love fruit and if I always had it on hand it really would keep me out of trouble. When I got home I had half of a protein shake to tide me over until dinner. I went to a meet up at the wing café. I drank water and had 10 wings and celery sticks. Wings aren't the most healthy because they are fried (not breaded), but at least it is solid protein. I forgot to add I had a bite of dark chocolate when I was waiting for dinner. That is an example of mindless eating. Something I need to quit, and replace with smart snacks. I need to be better prepared.
I am learning a lot by reflecting on what I eat, but I really need to make changes. Should I go back to counting calories? I found it to be so finicky. Such a trouble trying to get the exact food. I would rather just make better choices and eat smaller portions.

The meet up was really enjoyable. I had several in depth conversations about my faith and that of others. I think the shema I am wearing on my wrist started all the conversation. It is a beautiful thing. I have plans to meet up with two of the guys I met there tonight. One was pursing me for a relationship. He expressed wanting to see me again and qualities about myself he likes. We discussed things that are important to us in dating. We were in agreement. He expressed an interest in my faith which is very important to me. The other guy is Jewish and from Iran he says he doesn't practice it much. I asked him what he thought about Yahushua (Jesus) he said He didn't believe in him and something about kabbalah and mystics. I don't know, but he was interested in continuing our conversation about it and we are meeting.

Mundane: poor choices in food
Excitement: Meeting a guy who is interested in having a relationship with me and interested in my faith
no exercise

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