Friday, May 29, 2020

Day 11 - $1 30 day challenge

(Wednesday) I wanted to get in the mind frame that I was going to cook and exercise today because I didn't the day before. I got my dinner ready. Spaghetti squash pizza casserole. I cooked half a spaghetti squash in the microwave for 15 min and then put together with the casserole ingredients into the oven. 

While it was baking I did my exercises. I did day 9 exercises because I was behind. It was drop squats, side to side pushups, plank tuck jumps, and high knee runs; you were to do them for 20/25-15-10 and go back up. I only did 20-15-10. I haven't gotten to the place where I can push myself hard core. It's enough just to get it done. I felt good that I had cooked and done my exercises today though. It ready does take some mental preparation. You have to think ok I'm going to get home and get dinner ready and exercise.
Surprisingly I didn't miss the cheese in this dish like I thought I would. I thought how can it be called pizza without cheese. But the eggs in it added a creaminess. 

Breakfast was chia pudding made with almond milk and blueberries. I enjoyed eating this. Next time I think I will add less almond milk. 

Lunch I had leftover sweet potato quinoa bake. I couldn't get much of it down. Later in the day I snacked on bean chips, which are gluten free and high protein from the vending machine. 

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