Monday, May 22, 2023

Wake up on time and Workout

Last night I worked hard to get the house in order for the next day. Load and run the dishwasher. Fold and put away clothes. Pack my workout bag and David's bag.

I had a hard time falling asleep. After several attempts of using a sleep aid, I was still awake after several hours. I finally fell asleep around midnight.

David woke up hungry and wet at 5:30. My alarm is set for 6 am. I have learned if I got back to sleep I won't be awake in time. I tried to stay awake and not go back to sleep. I made tea (for the road) and ate some cereal for breakfast. I took my vitamin, but I think it caused me to throw up. 🤮 I took it in strides and didn't let it ruin my day. I put make up on because when I throw up it turns red.

Got dressed (me and baby). I packed my snack bag and water bottle. I made it on the road by 7:05. I still seemed hungry (I ate the cereal around 6 am and it is after 7 am now). So I stopped to get a chicken biscuit. If I had not stopped I would have clocked in at 8 or b4. But I was 5 minutes after.

I had a great day. I was excited to wear a new dress I got at the thrift store and the first time I wore these scarfs I inherited from my grandmother. Played a new activity at the nursing home.

I made it to the gym. Woohoo 🥳
My workout:
12min rowing avg 23 stokes/min
15 3x bicep curl
15 3x triceps curl
I have an appointment with the physical trainer Wednesday. To get my free session in. I am hoping to learn a framework to help me have more direction in the gym. 

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