Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Make it happen.


I woke up late, didn't have an outfit picked out, didn't pack my bag. I was late waking up. But I made it happen. I picked out an outfit to wear for the day. And also to pack to change into for the gym. I was committed to making it to the workout, because I had made the appointment. And even though I was late waking up, I got my bag packed and made it to the work out. 

I had scheduled my free workout with the trainer today. I had rescheduled it a couple times. I started out on Friday. But then moved it to Wednesday because friday is too busy. I wasn't sure if I should do it at 4pm or 4:30p or 4:15p. It is a whole hour workout but that is pushing it when the day care closes at 5:30 and I get off work at 4:30. So I got off work a little early so I could change and get the whole hour in before the 5:30 pick up time. So I went at 4:15p.

It definitely helps packing the bag the night before. But I failed to do that. I didn't let that stop me. I pushed through and made the commitment. Sometimes it is like that. The circumstances aren't perfect but you do what you got to do.

Make it happen.

So the trainer had the workout planned. Some arm exercises and some abs exercises. I did learn a lot. I had not done those exercises before. I listened to my body and he was guiding me on how much weight and reps to do. He encouraged me to push to a failure to finish the rep rather than stopping too early. I have the tendency to want to stop when it gets a little uncomfortable,  because I am not uses to using those muscles and haven't felt what it is like to push myself in awhile.  I think the more I work out the more I will feel the vibe of pushing past the hurt. 

This week I made it to the gym 2 times. Monday and Wednesday. That is meeting my goal. Along with a mile walk around the neighborhood Saturday. And then I will complete my goal. 

Reflecting on this week, some days were better than others as far as going to sleep on time, doing my chores and nightly routine and waking up on time, and working out. These are all the areas I am focusing on to meet my goals. Little by little it will be come a habit. I just have to push though and make it happen even when the circumstance aren't perfect or I just don't feel like it.

Make it happen. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Wake up on time and Workout

Last night I worked hard to get the house in order for the next day. Load and run the dishwasher. Fold and put away clothes. Pack my workout bag and David's bag.

I had a hard time falling asleep. After several attempts of using a sleep aid, I was still awake after several hours. I finally fell asleep around midnight.

David woke up hungry and wet at 5:30. My alarm is set for 6 am. I have learned if I got back to sleep I won't be awake in time. I tried to stay awake and not go back to sleep. I made tea (for the road) and ate some cereal for breakfast. I took my vitamin, but I think it caused me to throw up. 🤮 I took it in strides and didn't let it ruin my day. I put make up on because when I throw up it turns red.

Got dressed (me and baby). I packed my snack bag and water bottle. I made it on the road by 7:05. I still seemed hungry (I ate the cereal around 6 am and it is after 7 am now). So I stopped to get a chicken biscuit. If I had not stopped I would have clocked in at 8 or b4. But I was 5 minutes after.

I had a great day. I was excited to wear a new dress I got at the thrift store and the first time I wore these scarfs I inherited from my grandmother. Played a new activity at the nursing home.

I made it to the gym. Woohoo 🥳
My workout:
12min rowing avg 23 stokes/min
15 3x bicep curl
15 3x triceps curl
I have an appointment with the physical trainer Wednesday. To get my free session in. I am hoping to learn a framework to help me have more direction in the gym. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Great day

Happy Monday! Today was a great day. I woke up on my first alarm. NO SNOOZE! 👏. My husband made me breakfast.  I took my vitamin. I had time to drink my tea and read my devotionals. Got dressed and had my bags packed for the most part the night before. I was on the road before 7:15am. 
I had time to fix my head covering nicely. I got a lot of compliments on my outfit. It helps to have compliments. 😃
I had plenty of energy to get all I wanted done at work. I was proactive at meeting the new patients. And I really felt in my groove giving my activities spiel. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Count your victories.

Focusing on things you didn't do can be discouraging. Lets count our victories to show what we do right not wrong!
Developing daily habits, routine,  and mental health habits, and "adulting" responsibilities. 

 Things I did today that are victories. 
  1. Cleaned both bathroom toilet sink and mirror 
  2. Cooked dinner
  3. Cooked on the go breakfast cookies (so I don't have to buy at work)
  4. Folded baby clothes that had been clean for awhile 
  5. Swept the kitchen
  6. Pumped breast milk, I have a tendency to put it off
  7. Took care of the baby. Because I deserve credit for that even though it's a given
Things I accomplished in my nightly routine:
  1. Took by medicine at 9pm
  2. Took sleeping aid before 10
  3. Washed bottles 
  4. Loaded the dishwasher and set it to run
  5. Took a shower AND shaved 
  6. Cleaned up dishes from dinner
Didn't make it to bed until 11pm but I am happy I got a lot done to be better prepared for the morning. 

Goals this week 
  1. Wake up at first alarm and do not go back to sleep
  2. Arrive at work and clock in at 8am
  3. Make it to the gym at least once 
  4. Try exercising in the morning at home once 
  5. Limit carbs and sugars