Friday, March 30, 2012

Tired With a Headache

Day 4
It is night time and currently my mood is conflicted. I got tired around 4pm and also had a headache at that time. I thought some caffeine would be a good idea, because it wakes you up and can help get rid of a headache. Well it turned out to be a bad idea. It did nothing for my headache and now, about five hours later, I can still feel the caffeine in my system. I have a slight tremor within me that makes me feel like jumping out of my skin. I tried to take a nap around 4pm, but it didn't stick so I am still tired. As I was saying my mood is conflicted, my body is in angst from the caffeine but is also tired from waking up early. This is not fun. Caffeine is not the answer for me.
Also when I was tired around 4pm I ate some chips, though they were baked pita chips were still quite unhealthy. I realized as I continued eating the chips when I was no longer hungry that I was mainly eating because I wasn't feeling good. Maybe I was just trying to find enjoyment in the way the chips tasted (they were flavored like garlic bread) to mask my stupor and headache. I am glad I recognized that and quit eating. It is important to be aware of how I am feeling and how I respond to it, so I can make improvements.
Today I did a lot less than other says-mainly due to my headache; I just did a short amount of reading from the grammar book. I did, however, go on a walk with the dogs. I realized from the grammar book that I need to do first drafts in my writing, in school I would usually procrastinate and not have enough time to get a second draft or revisions. I need to realize that a first draft really should be me just thinking on the page, getting out ideas, not really focusing on rules or grammar. Maybe something to do when I first get the assignment, when I don't have much concrete information like research to include. Doing this will help eliminate the fears I sometimes have about starting a big paper. I often have writers block and don't know how to start my paper, but it is all just me psyching myself out. Even though the writing I am doing in this blog is very casual, I can still work on my grammar. One way I am implementing that is by first writing my thoughts in my journal (hand written - I can easily express myself in hand writing) and then transfer it to the online blog after my mind has time to process (a day later). I have found that I have more add when I am go to write the blog; the journal works by bringing up the topic and I expound on it here. All of this happens subconsciously - its not like I held back when I was writing the journal; I said all that was on my mind. It's just that after a day my mind has processed the experience more and can create more concrete and developed responses to the experience. This should work the same for academic writing. The mind takes time to process things, but it will not do it on its own; you have to bring it up - talk about it write about it think about it repeatedly. Its like when you tell a story over and over. The more you tell it it evolves. You realize how you felt in that moment the more you tell the story and can insert those feelings in the story.

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