Monday, February 18, 2013

Efficient Exercises

Dr. Oz often features weight loss tips and exercises from people well known in the field and often provides evidence based information to give you the best results. From watching the videos below I learned that doing high intensity interval training will give the best results. High intensity means getting your heart rate up. One expert said that doing just 10 minutes of the exercise in that video is more effective than an hour of jogging. That was a shocker because at the beginning of this blog I thought doing a weekly long distance job would be a good idea, but now I realize it isn't as good as these workouts. If at first you feel like you can't do the exercise as it is supposed to be done just do it to your best ability (some provide modifications). After you do the exercises more your muscles will build up are you can do it as it is shown. You will work a sweat up. The goal of these exercises is to do them quickly to build your heart rate. Go hard, because it really isn't for a long period of time.
If you want to do these exercises I recommend watching the videos the first time to see how it is done, then you can use my cheat sheet. For the cheat sheet I looked really closely at the videos to make sure I got the moves correct. Then I drew out stick men to show how to move in the exercise and wrote a description. I hope that you can understand my notes. To print the reference sheet right click on it and click "save image as" then open it on your computer and click print.

Dr. Oz Exercise Videos:
5-min Body Reshaping Workout
The Ultimate Biggest Loser Workout
Quick Reference Sheet:
right click save image as to view larger or print
