Sunday, October 29, 2023

Personality and Meeting Goals and Creating Habits

Exploring my personality, if there are certain characteristics about my personality that effect my habit forming, goal reaching, and routine. 

For some people routine is something they like, something that comes natural. For me, I go by feeling. What do I feel like doing right now. Of course in the back of my mind there are tasks that I want to get done, but I'm not ridged about when I need to get them done. 

What are some things that are routine for you? Some options: 
  • Cleaning off the dinner table after eating and putting dishes directly in the dishwasher
  • A Bedtime routine - like brushing teeth and taking a shower, take medication if you have them
  • A Morning routine - Getting dressed, drinking coffee or tea, eating breakfast
  • A Home from work routine - get dinner ready, tend to children
There are some things I do like to do regularly. I want to focus on them because I want to acknowledge, that yes maybe I do like some routines. I do like to watch GMM (Good Mythical Morning on YouTube) if not in the morning, when I get home from work. I have gotten in the habit of having hot tea first thing when I get to work. 

How about bad habits? That is something to discuss, because the truth is I do have some habits, but they are not healthy. I have the habit of laying back in bed when my morning alarm goes off. Not taking care of doing dishes or cleaning right when it needs to be done.

I have studied and tried to get started with the FlyLady routines to help with house chores, and it just didn't happen. I think that is too ridged for my personality.  I can be structured when it comes to planning, but not in execution. 

So back to exploring my personality type. I talked about it with my counselor today. We discussed TYPE (A, B, C, D) personality types. I think a lot of people are familiar with Type A or B, but did you know there was a C and D? We came to determine that I am a type B, possibly some traits of D. 
"Type B Personality: People with a Type B personality are typically more relaxed, laid-back, and easy-going. They are less likely to experience stress and may be more patient, creative, and imaginative." Type A,B,C,D simple description


So if you have been following this blog, you have seen I did set some goals mainly pertaining to exercise. Lately I haven't been making it to the gym, but I have been getting some good steps in. Since the start of October (its Oct 24 now), I have meet my goal of 1.5miles of steps or more a day for a grand total of 14 days! Sometimes getting close to 3miles in a day.
So I am modifying my exercise goal to getting at least 1.5 miles of steps in a day for 3 days a week. Or 1 day at the gym a week. 
With my current schedule of activities at work I have a lot of days where I am walking to every room (45) in our 2 floors. And some days I help out the nursing staff by taking patients to the adjoining hospital campus which is 1.5 miles on its own. This is great, and because the weather is nice out the past two days I have taken the scenic route (walking outside) from the other building, even walking inside is a long walk, but outside I have some elevation to climb. 

I also have started seeing a Dietician. With her I have the goal of documenting everything I eat, in a paper form. with the goal of only 30g carbs per meal. I am trying to learn how many carb grams are in different foods/portions.