Sunday, April 30, 2023

Chai Masala- Indian Spiced Tea recipe

I wanted to share my adapted recipe for Chai Masala. 

Masala Chai is my favorite type of tea. It is comforting, spicy, creamy, All the things I love. I drink it year round. When I am in a rush I use pre made tea bags. But if I want a special treat for the *real thing*. I make a pot on the stove to share with my guests. This recipe is simple enough that anyone can do it. The only special equipment you really need to a sieve or strainer, or a tea infuser. If you do not have that you can use individual high quality black tea bags.  I prefer to pour the whole pot through the strainer but I am sure you could improvise with a coffee pot basket and filter. (If you try that let me know how it turned out.)

First you need to make your spice blend.

This is a recipe that uses ground spices, you can grind your own, or use already ground. I like to use ground so that I can store the spice blend and use it over time. Or sprinkle on other desserts. It's great on Greek yogurt or toast. You could brew your tea with whole spices as well using a different recipe. This recipe is not just for one serving of spice mix, so you will definitely have enough to brew another batch of tea later or sprinkle on coffee if that is your thing. 😉 

Chai Masala Spice Blend Recipe


2 tbsp ginger powder
2 tbsp cardamom, ground
1 tsp nutmeg, grated
1 1/2 tsp cloves, ground
1 1/2 tsp black pepper, ground
3 tbsp cinnamon, ground
1/4 tsp saffron

The Tea

Next you need to buy your tea. Assam black tea is traditional for Indian chai. It is stronger brew so it lends itself better to milk. I like tea India brand you can buy it at their website here  Tea india link or on Amazon here Amazon Tea India. These are bulk quantities of plain black tea and they do not contain the spices. Tea India also sells tea bags with the spices in it (Amazon link here) and instant chai latte (Amazon link here) which has the milk [powder] in it already. But we are using the pain black to to make our own more authentic recipe. I use the Chai Masala bags  from Tea India regularly but when I want to make a strong milky homemade chai I use the loose leaf and spice mix. It is more special. And it tastes better with the tea brewed in the milk with the spices.  

Tea India is available locally in some ethnic groceries as well. If you have that locally, check your stores. 

***Now to the recipe of how to make traditional Chai Masala. ***


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cups milk (I use whole you can add more milk and less water if it is lower fat or nondairy) Evaporated milk is also commonly used (may want to add less)
  • 3 tsp loose leaf black tea (You can use  high quality plain black tea bags if you do not have a strainer)
  • 1 tsp spice mix (more if you are a spice girl like me)
  • Sugar to taste - 3 teaspoons for 3 cups is a good regular amount of sweet or zero calorie sweetener or honey 


  1. In a small saucepan bring the water to Boil on high  
  2. Add the milk and tea and spices and sugar*
  3. Turn to medium heat bring back to boil
  4. Turn to level 3 simmer for 3 min to 5 min depending on how strong you like it. You will notice the color should turn a milky orange. Be careful to not let it boil over. Give it a stir so the milk doesn't burn. 
  5. Strain into a tea pot or another pot/ bowl and let cool to drinking temp
  6. Pour or ladle into individual tea cups *(you can add your sweetener at this stage if each cup wants different type or amounts of sweetener) 
  7. Enjoy! 

* Adapted from this website

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Developing a Routine

One thing that helps reach my goals and live a optimal lifestyle is to develop a routine. I have never been good at keeping a routine and that is part of why I created this blog. I tend to slack off and let things slide. Finding excitement in the mundane, get excited about doing every day ho hum activities that add up to create a healthy and happy lifestyle.

There is a morning routine a get home from work routine and a nightly, before bed routine.
I now have a newborn to take care of which adds another layer to my routine. More responsibilities and more tasks to complete. 
I also want to get in the habit of working out. Whether that be at the gym after work or an at home exercise before work. Another option is exercise at the gym before work and after I drop the baby off. The daycare and gym open at 6:30 so that is enough time. But I am not a morning person so I'm not going to try that now. 

Let's start with the morning routine. My baby has gotten to where he can sleep through the night, but usually wakes up around 5:30 am wet and hungry. So I change him and feed him. My first alarm goes off at 6am. Lately I have been laying back down to sleep and it makes it more difficult to wake up on time. I need to stay awake and start my morning routine then. I want to be on the road by 7:10 am and get to daycare around 7:45 so I can make it to work by 8am. 

Morning Tasks:
  1. Feed and Change baby at 5:30 am (20min)
  2. Make and drink tea and or eat breakfast while watching a morning show or reading devotional (15min)
  3. Exercise (30min)
  4. Get dressed
  5. Pack bag for baby and me
  6. On the road by 7:10am
  7. Drop baby off at day care by 7:45a
  8. Get to work by 8am
I have more flexibility on the after work routine. Some times I need to run errands, have a counseling session, or go to the gym. 

After work routine with exercise at gym:
  1. Clock out at 4:30p
  2. Move my car to gym
  3. Change clothes
  4. Start exercising by 4:40pm
  5. End exercise by 5:10pm
  6. On the road at 5:15pm
  7. Pick up baby at 5:25pm
Home from work routine:
  1. Relax watch some TV have a snack or tea
  2. Pump/Nurse
  3. Do some chores
  4. Cook dinner at 7pm
  5. Eat dinner around 7:30pm
  6. Clean up from dinner
  7. Get ready for bed (start below)
Making sure I get to bed on time is the number one thing to help me stay mentally stable. It also helps me get good sleep and prepares me to wake up on time. Getting my tasks done the night before helps me prepare to be more easily ready for the day. 

Night time tasks:
  1. Clean up dinner dishes
  2. Pump or Nurse baby
  3. Put baby to bed by 9pm
  4. Clean bottles and breast pump
  5. Pick out my clothes and baby clothes for tomorrow 
  6. Take meds at 9pm
  7. Wind down caffeine free tea/watch TV or browse phone (this could also be after dinner)
  8. Shower
  9. Go to sleep by 10pm
This is a set plan to help guide me in my process to develop a routine. Following this will help me be better prepared in the mornings so I am not late to work. Help me maintain my kitchen so I have clean dishes to cook and eat with. It will help me get in the habit of exercising. And help me to feel better and do better. I will keep you updated on how it pans out. 

Finding excitement in the mundane.